Tag Archives: reality

So Good!

Wednesday 23 November


You will often hear the saying that people “have never had it so good”. The line was used in the 1950’s by the Prime Minister of the day, Harold Macmillan. The whole context was one of optimism, what we can achieve from this point in time.

One of last Sunday’s readings, Colossians 1.13, told us we belong to the new age of Christ and we are   already citizens of heaven. Our lives should befit this calling because in salvation terms we “have never had it so good”.

From Christ the King last Sunday we move to Advent and simultaneously await Jesus birth and return.

Are you already a part of the new age and how does that inform our preparation?

Looking for the blessings of today, the ever present prospect and reality of ’God with Us’ , may we be found ready and expectant of the Kingdom now and in the whole of this Advent season. Amen

The Truman Show 1998  


30 March 2015

This is an American social science fiction comedy-drama, which chronicles the life of a man who is initially unaware that he is living in a constructed reality television show, broadcast around the clock to billions of people around the globe. 

Truman becomes suspicious of his perceived reality and embarks on a quest to discover the truth about his life. 

This film has been analysed as a thesis on Christianity, meta-philosophy, simulated reality, existentialism, and the rise of reality television.

 This is also a funny film!


Dir.Peter Weir & written by Andrew Niccol (Cert PG)