Tag Archives: pilate

Who Are You on Good Friday?

Friday 25 March

 So who do you line up behind on Good Friday. On a day when Jesus  makes an association to all who are beaten, abused and killed, which perpetrator and their trait, with whom do you associate yourself?

 Are you a Pliate? Hearing and meeting truth and turning aside.

 Are you Judas? Living alongside truth and yet a turning as if betrayal is an answer.

 Are you Peter? Loving the truth and yet running from its consequence.

 Are you Mary(s)? Nurturing truth and powerless, watching the outworking of the scene.

 Are you a Pharisee? Seeking truth but not recognising it when it appears and is demonstrated in front of you.

 Are you a centurion? Quite unaware until the truth dies  before you.

 Who are you this Good Friday – look at other events in the world today.

 In this light, who are you?