Turned to Joy.

Readings for Easter Sunday

Acts 10.34-43, Colossians 3.1-4; and Matthew 28.1-10


Monday 17 April

What a strange business Easter is. All the sorrow of Good Friday is suddenly turned to joy. Lenten abstinence gives way to chocolate overdose. But what does it all mean? We need to trace the roots of Easter right back into God’s plan since before the creation of the world: that he would send his own Son to break the power of death, to restore humankind to life in fellowship with him, and to create a new people who would bring his life into the darkness of this broken world. Easter is the beginning of a new creation with which you and me are invited to join in.

Question: Into what part of your life – or your world – do you most long  for God’s new life to break in?

 Prayer: Lord, help me to allow your new life to break into mine, and help me to share that new life with others. Amen.


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